Upcoming Events

Thematic online seminar-symposium with international participation - Yaroslavl State Pedagogical University (March 3-4, 2022)

Yaroslavl State Pedagogical University and Prof. A. Muravyov will organize (March 3-4, 2022) a thematic online seminar-symposium with international participation. Problems of microrheology of blood cells, hemostasis and microcirculation under normal and pathological conditions will be discussed with an analysis of the mechanisms of regulation of these processes. At two breakout sessions, oral presentations will be heard and an opportunity will be provided for a brief presentation of their data in the form of virtual poster messages.

2nd Joint Meeting of ESCHM-ISCH-ISB 2021 that is decided to be held in complete online style

2nd Joint Meeting of ESCHM-ISCH-ISB 2021 that is decided to be held in complete online style.


     Web site:  http://www.congre.co.jp/eschm-isch-isb2021






The 2nd Joint Meeting of ESCHM-ISCH-ISB 2021 JAPAN
goes to complete online meeting!
Director of The Japanese Society of Biorheology,
President of The 2nd Joint Meeting of ESCHM-ISCH-ISB 2021 FUKUOKA

 The COVID-19 crisis has affected economy, industry, education and academia around the globe. As many scientific meetings are postponed or converted to online meetings, the 2nd Joint Meeting of ESCHM-ISCH-ISB Japan, originally scheduled to take place in September, 2020, was postponed to July, 2021. After experiencing the great success of the 1st Joint Meeting of ESCHM-ISCH-ISB 2018 Kraków, Poland, the local organizing committee members are preparing this Joint Meeting with great assistance of the international scientific committees of three parental societies, i.e., The European Society for Clinical Hemorheology and Microcirculation (ESCHM), The International Society for Clinical Hemorheology (ISCH) and The International Society of Biorheology (ISB). The 2nd Joint Meeting of ESCHM-ISCH-ISB 2021 Japan was decided recently to be complete online meeting after the approval of the three parental societies.

 The three societies’ medal award ceremony and subsequent memorial lectures by awardees are not held in this online meeting. However, many alternative sessions are going to be prepared in this meeting. This meeting will be filled with plenary lectures, symposia, free communication session, electronically prepared poster (ePoster) session and industry exhibitions. Multiple ‘Rising Star Awards’ competition will be held in this meeting. Best presentation awards are prepared for both free communication and ePoster sessions. Thus, this meeting will bring you brand-new research information about biorheology, hemorheology and microcirculation! All participants will have many exciting opportunities for scientific discovery, new connections with academic experts, industry agencies, nonprofit organization and others without oversea travelling. Current scientific evidence of COVID-19 is accumulating rapidly. Therefore, it will be possible to put COVID session (symposium, panel discussion or free presentation), where we can share and deepen the cutting-edge knowledge and information about biorheologic and hemorheologic problems of COVID infection, i.e., the coagulopathy (hemostatic abnormalities) and the vascular accidents (thromboembolic event) induced by COVID-19.

 We are now creating the joint meeting program, and call for symposium is now open to visit https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1_LmByBC3bSWGqnrccq5RsXw3QLC5sSH9Paqo5qVBAOk/edit?usp=sharing. This online meeting program contains virtual tour of Fukuoka City, where key station of this joint meeting is settled and traditional Yamakasa Festival is going to be held in this joint meeting period. We continue to stand in solidarity with international organizing committees. We wish you all stay safe and healthy and appreciate participants for their continuing interest in this Joint Meeting and for their effort to prepare and submit their abstract. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the secretary office of the 2nd Joint Meeting of ESCHM-ISCH-ISB 2021 FUKUOKA at eschm-isch-isb2021@congre.co.jp. Thank you again and appreciate your interest, effort and patience.



8th European Medical and Biological Engineering Conference - EMBEC 2020

Dear Colleagues!

It is a pleasure to invite you to contribute to the development of the scientific and professional programme of EMBEC 2020, the 8th European Medical and Biological Engineering Conference organized by the Slovenian Society for Medical and Biological Engineering. The conference of the International Federation of Medical and Biological Engineering (IFMBE) and European Medical and Biological Engineering Conference (EMBEC) will be held in the Congress Centre Bernardin in Portorož, Slovenia, from 14 to 18 June, 2020.


Damijan Miklavčič
Chair of the EMBEC 2020 &
President of the Slovenian Society for Medical and Biological Engineering
E-mail address: damijan.miklavcic@fe.uni-lj.si


Web site: http://www.embec2020.org/

ESBiomechanics Conference, July 12-15 2020, Milan, Italy

The 2020 ESB conference is organized and hosted by the Department of Chemistry, Materials and Chemical Engineering ‘Giulio Natta’ and the Department of Electronics, Information and Bioengineering of Politecnico di Milano in conjunction with the Italian Chapter of the ESB.

The organization of the 2020 ESB conference is under way – full steam! – at Politecnico di Milano, one of the most outstanding technical universities in Europe, ranked 1st in Italy.

Abstract submission duly closed on January 31, 2020. A total of 1,021 papers have been submitted!

We consider this figure a fantastic indication of the strong interest towards biomechanics in Europe, the great scientific prestige of the European Society of Biomechanics and the rising allure of the city of Milan as a congress venue, too!

We promise a memorable congress, in terms of scientific quality and Italian hospitality!

We look forward to welcoming you in Milano in July!

Francesco Migliavacca – Chair

Gabriele Dubini – Co-Chair

Manuela Galli – Co- Chair

Alberto Redaelli – Co- Chair

Web site: https://esbiomech.org/conference/esb2020/

2nd joint meeting of three societies ESCHM, ISB and ISCH - Fukuoka, Japan, September 2020

The 2nd joint meeting of three societies ESCHM, ISB and ISCH will be organized in Fukuoka (southwest of Japan http://www.city.fukuoka.lg.jp/) in September 2020. During a preceding general assembly od ESCHM it was admitted that our congress can be organized outside of Europe.

Now comes the time to propose symposia and lectures. Our Japanese colleagues as well as ISCH and ISB urge to start preparing the programme. We will also need to vote for the Fahraeus medal and I will manage an electronic vote as we decided during our last assembly in Krakow. If somebody has a personal experience of this I will be pleased to be counselled.


The organizers insist on the need of an equal representation of the 3 societies during the congress. Therefore, proposal of symposia and lectures are very important and I ask you to send me your projects and ideas. A strong representation of Europe is  expected.


The organizers insist on the need of an equal representation of the 3 societies during the congress. Therefore, proposal of symposia and lectures are very important and I ask you to send me your projects and ideas. A strong representation of Europe is  expected.

Web site: http://www.congre.co.jp/eschm-isch-isb2020


Upcoming Events


Bulgarian Society of Biorheology

Institute of Mechanics and Biomechanics
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Acad. G.Bonchev, bl.4, Sofia, Bulgaria
E-mail: info (at) bsb-bg.eu
Тел. +359 2 979-64-13



Site Map



Bulgarian Academy of Science
Institute of Mechanics - BAS
European Society for Clinical Hemorheology and Microcirculation (E.S.C.H.M.)
International Society of Biorheology
Клиническая Гемостазиология
Journal of Applied Rheology

Bulgarian Society of Biorheology

Institute of Mechanics and Biomechanics
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Acad. G.Bonchev, bl.4, Sofia, Bulgaria
E-mail: info (at) bsb-bg.eu
Тел. +359 2 979-64-13


Българско дружество по биореология - Bulgarian Society of Biorheology