Maria Antonova

Institute of Neurobiology, BAS
Department Integrative Neuropharmacology

Phone: +359 2 979 2167
E-mail: antonova


Scientific degrees, institution, year: PhD in Biology, Institute of Mechanics, 1999


Fields of Research: Viscoelasticity of the arterial wall, signal processing of biosignals, blood pressure
Extended Information

Recent Publications:

  1. Antonov P., Antonova M., Nikolova N., Antonova N., Vlaskovska M., Kasakov L., Age dependent changes of arterial wall viscoelasticity, Clinical Hemorheology and Microcirculation, V 39, N 1-4, 63-68, 2008 IF 1.242, PIF 0.207
  2. Antonova M., Antonov P., Marinov G., Vlaskovska M., Kasakov L., In vitro studies of viscoelastic characteristics of vital and devitalized rat aorta and human arterial prostheses, Annals of Biomedical Engineering, V 36, N 6, 947-957, 2008 IF 2.276, PIF 0.455
  3. Antonov P., Antonova M., Vlaskovska M., Kasakov L., In vitro investigation of arterial wall viscoelasticity, Archives of the Balkan Medical Union, 42 N1, 11-14, 2007
  4. Antonova M., A device for biomechanical investigations of the viscoelastic characteristics of vital and artificial arterial segments, Clinical Hemorheology and Microcirculation, 30, 3-4, 477-480, 2004  IF 0.833, PIF 0.833
  5. Draganova R., Antonova M., Draganov L., Ross B., Pantev C., Prediction of the response spectrum to amplitude-modulated auditory stimuli, demonstrated on magnetoencephalographic data, Proc. of Satellite symposium on Monitoring the CNS of the neonate with Neurophysiological Methods, Goteborg, Sept. 7, 2003, Berzelius symposium 59: Perinatal brain injury: pathophysiology and clinical aspects, Goteborg, Sweden, 2003, pp. 19-23
  6. Antonova M., Antonov P., Method and device for measurement of the viscoelastic characteristics of vital cylindrical segments of arteries in vitro, Comptes rendus de l’ Academie Bulgare des Sciences 56, N 11, 65-70, 2003    IF 0.123, PIF 0.0615
  7. Antonova M., Kasakov L., 2000, Viscoelastic properties of the arterial wall, Proc. of Intern. Conf. on Biorheology, Sofia, Oct. 2000,  pp. 121-125
  8. Antonova M, Nikolova K, Antonov P., Volume pulsations of a. brachial estimated by means of arterial oscillogram, Biomechanics, 1995; 27: 55-59
  9. Antonova M., Nikolova K., Antonov P., Certificate for innovation, Reg. N 45/86, Method for quick standardization of arterial oscillogramm, introduced in practice on 24.03.1987 (in Bulgarian)
  10. Antonova M., Nikolova K., Antonov P., Patent N 43877, Reg. N 77186/ 1986 priority 19.11.1986: Method and device for in vivo estimation of volume pulsations of artery (in Bulgarian)


Bulgarian Society of Biorheology, Bulgarian Society of Biomechanics, Bulgarian Society of Physiology



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Bulgarian Society of Biorheology

Institute of Mechanics and Biomechanics
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Acad. G.Bonchev, bl.4, Sofia, Bulgaria
E-mail: info (at)
Тел. +359 2 979-64-13



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Bulgarian Academy of Science
Institute of Mechanics - BAS
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International Society of Biorheology
Клиническая Гемостазиология
Journal of Applied Rheology

Bulgarian Society of Biorheology

Institute of Mechanics and Biomechanics
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Acad. G.Bonchev, bl.4, Sofia, Bulgaria
E-mail: info (at)
Тел. +359 2 979-64-13


Българско дружество по биореология - Bulgarian Society of Biorheology