Nadia Antonova
Position: Professor Department/Laboratory: Biodynamics and Biorheology Room number: 112 Phone: +359 2 979 6413 E-mail:
Scientific degrees, institution, year:
1978 – Sofia University „St. Kl. Ohridski”, Faculty of Mathematics and Mechanics, Fluid Mechanics, Magister of mechanics; 1985 – Institute of Mechanics and Biomechanics to the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences – PhD; 1999 – Institute of Mechanics and Biomechanics to the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences Assoc.Research Professor
Fields of Research:
Biomechanics, Biorheology, Hemorheology, Biofluid mechanics, Electrorheology, Thin biofluid liquid films, Clinical Applications
Extended Information
Recent Publications: LIST OF PUBLICATIONS OF N. ANTONOVA FOR 2008-2005
Antonova N., Riha P., Ivanov I., Time dependent variation of human blood conductivity as a method for an estimation of RBC aggregation, докладвано на 14th Conference of the European Society for Clinical Hemorheology (E.S.C.H.), June 27th – 30th, 2007, Dresden, Germany. J. Clinical Hemorheology and Microcirculation, vol.39, No.1-4, 69-78, 2008
Antonova N., Zvetkova E., Ivanov I., Savov Y., Hemorheological changes and characteristic parameters derived from whole blood viscometry in chronic heroin addicts, докладвано на 14th Conference of the European Society for Clinical Hemorheology (E.S.C.H.), June 27th – 30th, 2007, Dresden, Germany. J. Clinical Hemorheology and Microcirculation, vol.39, No.1-4, 53-61, 2008
Velcheva I., Antonova N., Titianova E., Damianov P., Dimitrov N., Dimitrova V., Hemorheological disturbances in cerebrovascular disease, докладвано на 14th Conference of the European Society for Clinical Hemorheology (E.S.C.H.), June 27th – 30th, 2007, Dresden, Germany. J. Clinical Hemorheology and Microcirculation, vol.39, No.1-4, 391-396, 2008
Antonov P.S., Antonova M., Nikolova N., Antonova N., Vlaskovska M., Kasakov L., Age dependent changes of arterial wall viscoelasticity, докладвано на 14th Conference of the European Society for Clinical Hemorheology (E.S.C.H.), June 27th – 30th, 2007, Dresden, Germany. J. Clinical Hemorheology and Microcirculation vol.39, No.1-4, 63-68, 2008
Велчева И., Антонова Н., Титянова Е., Дим. Димитров Н., Димитрова В., Дамянов П., Хемореологични нарушения и рискови фактори за мозъчно-съдова болест: корелативни проучвания, Невросонография и мозъчна хемодинамика, т.3, брой 2, 2007, 85-92
2nd Eurosummer School on Biorheology & Symposium on Micromehanobiology of cells, tissues and systems, Varna, Bulgaria, Proceedings, Sofia, 2007, 71 pages, Publisher: Avangard Prima, Sofia
N.M. Antonova, P.E. Tosheva, E.T. Toshev, A 3D flow analysis in an artery with symmetric and asymmetric stenosis, (in Series of Biomechanics, book.2, 2008-in press)
Antonova N., 2nd Eurosummer School on Biorheology & Symposium on Micromehanobiology of cells, tissues and systems, Varna, Bulgaria, Conference report, J. Applied Rheology, 17 (2007), 167-168.
N.Antonova, Studies of blood electrorheological properties – device, results and applications, Proceedings of the 2nd Eurosummer School on Biorheology & Symposium on Micromechanobiology of Cells, Tissues and Systems, Varna, 17th -20th September 2006, ed. N. Antonova, Avangard Prima, Sofia, 2007, 26-31
Hadjikov L., Antonova N., Ivanov Ya., Description of the nonlinear viscoelastic and thixotropic properties of human blood by the modified model of Maxwell-Gurevich-Rabinovich, Series of Biomechanics, vol. 23, No.1, 2007, 66-82
L. Hadjikov, N. Antonova, Ya. Ivanov, I. Ivanov, Мodeling the time-dependent properties of blood at rectangular and triangular change of shear rates, Proceedings of the 2nd Eurosummer School on Biorheology & Symposium on Micromechanobiology of Cells, Tissues and Systems, Varna, 17th -20th September 2006, ed. N. Antonova, Avangard Prima, Sofia, 2007, 85-89
Velcheva I., Antonova N., Ivanov I., Damianov P., Dimitrov N., Mantarova S., Erythrocyte aggregation in correlation with risk factors for cerebrovascular disease, In : Proceedings of the 2nd EuroSummer School on Biorheology & Symposium on Micro Mechanobiology of Cells, Tissues and Systems, Varna, Bulgaria, September 17-20, 2006, ed. N. Antonova, Avangard Prima, Sofia, 2007, 46-50
Savov Y., Zvetkova E., Gluhcheva Y., Sainova I., Antonova N., Ivanov I, Ilieva I.,Bichkidjieva E., Thrombocyte count, platelet morphological properties and whole blood viscosity attributable to chronic heroin abusers, In : Proceedings of the 2nd EuroSummer School on Biorheology & Symposium on Micro Mechanobiology of Cells, Tissues and Systems, Varna, Bulgaria, September 17-20, 2006, ed. N. Antonova, Avangard Prima, Sofia, 2007, 39-41.
Savov Y., Antonova N., Zvetkova E., Gluhcheva Y., Ivanov I., Sainova I., Bichkidjieva E., Ilieva I., Changes in blood viscosity and erythrocyte indices in chronic heroin abusers, Acta Morphologica, кн.12, 2007, 67-71.
2nd Eurosummer School on Biorheology & Symposium on Micromehanobiology of cells, tissues and systems, Varna, Bulgaria, Scientific Program and Book of Abstracts, Sofia, 2006, 71 pages, Publisher: Avangard Prima, Sofia
2nd Eurosummer School on Biorheology & Symposium on Micromehanobiology of cells, tissues and systems, Varna, Bulgaria, Proceedings, Sofia, 2006, 108 pages, Publisher: Avangard Prima, Sofia, 2007
N. Antonova, P. Riha, Studies of blood electrorheological properties, докладвано на 13th Conference of the European Society for Clinical Hemorheology (E.S.C.H.), June 26th – 29th, 2005, Siena, Italy. J. Clinical Hemorheology and Microcirculation, 35 (2006), 19-29.
Savov Y., Antonova N., Zvetkova E., Gluhcheva Y., Ivanov I., Sainova I., Whole blood viscosity and erythrocyte hematometric indices in chronic heroin addicts, J. Clinical Hemorheology and Microcirculation, 35 (2006), 19-29
Velcheva I., Antonova N., Dimitrova V., Dimitrov N.,Ivanov. I, Plasma lipids and blood viscosity in patients with cerebrovascular disease, J. Clinical Hemorheology and Microcirculation, 35 (2006), 155-157.
Velcheva I., Antonova N., Titianova E., Damianov P., Dimitrov N.,Ivanov. I, Hemorheological parameters in correlation with the risk factors for carotid atherosclerosis, J. Clinical Hemorheology and Microcirculation, 35 (2006), 195-198.
N. Antonova, P.Riha, R.Zlatev, I.Ivanov, Experimental relationships between the blood conductivity and blood rheological properties, 3rd European Medical & Biological Engineering Conference EMBEC 2005 Conference, November 20-25, 2005, Prague, Czech republic – IFMBE Proceedings Series, 2005, 11 (1), 4247-4252
N. Antonova, P. Riha, Relationships between the rheological and electrical properties of human blood, в: Доклади на 10 Национален конгрес по теоретична и приложна механика, Варна, 13-16 септември 2005, Proceedings, eds. Ya, Ivanov, E.Manoach, R.Kazandjiev, vol.II, 101-106, Prof. M.Drinov Acad. Publ. House, Sofia, 2005.
Ivanov I., Antonova N., An estimation of microrheological parameters through steady and time dependent viscometric measurements of whole human blood, в: Доклади на 10 Национален конгрес по теоретична и приложна механика, Варна, 13-16 септември 2005, Proceedings, eds. Ya, Ivanov, E.Manoach, R.Kazandjiev, vol.II, 128-132, Prof. M.Drinov Acad. Publ. House, Sofia, 2005.
2-ра Европейска лятна школа по биореология и Симпозиум по микромеханобиология на клетки, тъкани и системи, Варна, 17-20.09.06, Списание на БАН, 2006
Recent Projects:
“Theoretical and experimental studies of mechanical and electrical properties of blood and blood formed elements” – a joint research project between the Institute of Mechanics to BAS and the Institute of Hydrodynamics to ASCR
“Electrorheology and shearing dynamic microscopy study of RBC aggregation” –проект между Института по механика при БАН и Royal Society (Experimental and Computational Laboratory for the Analysis of Turbulence (ECLAT), King’s College London, UK
Membership: European Society for Clinical Hemorheology – Vice President, International Society of Biorheology, International Society for Clinical Hemorheology, Union of Bulgarian Scientists – Secretary of the Section Mechanics, Bulgarian Society of Biorheology – President, Bulgarian Society of Rheology, Bulgarian society of Biorheology
Honors: Copley-Oka Travel Award of the International Society for Biorheology at the 9th International Congress on Biorheology, 1999, Hungary, Award of the EGD 2003, Alexandria, Egypt, Award of the Union of Bulgarian Scientists for high scientific achievement in the medicine for 2005