Medical University Sofia, Medical Faculty
Department Physics and Biophysics
Phone: +359 2 91 72 574
Scientific degrees, institution, year:
1981 – Sofia University “St. Kl. Ohridski”,
Faculty of Physics, specialty Physical engineering, 1986 – Medical University-Sofia, specialty – Medical physics
Fields of Research:
biorheology, hemorheology, inflammation, leukocyte adhesiveness/aggregation (leukergy), small heat shock protein , chemiluminescence, free radicals, polymorphonuclear leukocytes
Recent Publications:
- S. Stoeff, Z. Naychov, T. Galabovaa, N. Trifonova, M. Shishenkov, S. Jovtchev, B. Bechev, S. Hadjieva, A. Mladenova, M. Penev, M. Vretenarska, E. Rachev. The leukocyte adhesiveness/aggregation test in arterial hypertension research. Series on Biomechanics, 2010, Vol. 25, No. 1-2, 169-173
- Radostina Cherneva, Ognian Georgiev, Danail Petrov, Yanina Slavova, Draga Toncheva, Blagovest Bechev, Maria Stamenova, Nedka Trifonova. Alpha-Crystaline Antibodies in Non-small Cell Lung Cancer Patients. Comptes rendus de l’Acade’mie bulgare des Sciences, 2009, Vol 62, Issue 12, pp.1615-1620
- Radostina Cherneva, Ognian Georgiev, Danail Petrov, Yanina Slavova, Draga Toncheva, Blagovest Bechev, Maria Stamenova, Nedka Trifonova. Expression of Small Heat Shock Protein alfaB-Crystallin in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer. Comptes rendus de l’Acade’mie bulgare des Sciences, 2009, Vol 62, Issue 11, pp.1483-1492
- I.Buteva-Hristova, N. Trifonova, B. Bechev, M. Genov, M. Stamenova. Antibodies against Alpha Crystallins in Women with Reproductive Failures. Comptes Rendus de L’Academie Bulgare des Sciences, 2009, Vol 62, Issue 2, pp. 285-292
- Г. Николов, Б. Бечев, В. Андреев, А Ангелова и А. Блажев. Антиеластинови антитела при пациенти с хронична обструктивна белодробна болест (ХОББ). Scripta periodica, 2006, 9, № 1, 45-52.
- Margarita Alexandrova , Petyo Bochev , Vanya Markova , Blagovest Bechev , Marina Popova , Maya Danovska and Virginia Simeonova. Dynamics of free radical processes in acute ischemic stroke: influence on neurological status and outcome. Journal of Clinical Neuroscience, 2004, Vol 11, Issue 5, , Pages 501-506,
- Alexandrova M, Bochev P, Markova V, Bechev B, Popova M, Danovska M, Simeonova V. Oxidative stress in the chronic phase after stroke. Redox Report, 2003, 8(3):169-176
- Alexandrova M, Bochev P, Markova V, Bechev B, Popova M, Danovska M, Simeonova V. Changes in phagocyte activity in patients with ishaemic stroke. Luninescence 2001, 16:357-365
- Magrisso, M., Alexandrova, P. Bochev, V. Markova, Bl. Bechev. Functional states of polymorphonuclear leukocytes determined by chemiluminescent kinetic analysis. Luninescence, 2000, 15:143-151
- M. Magriso, B. Bechev, P. Bochev, V. Markova M. Alexandrova. A new Approach for Analysis of chemiluminescent Kinetics of Activated Phagocytes in Blood. J. Biolumin. Chemlumin (now Luminescence). 1995, 10: 77-84.
- B. Bechev, M. Magrisso, P. Bochev, V. Markova, M. Alexandrova. Dependence of whole blood luminol CL on PMNL and RBC count. J. Biochemical and Biophysical methods 1993, 27: 301-309.
- Bochev P., Bechev B. and Magrisso M Six-sample multiplexing computerized analyzer for integral and spectral luminescence measurements. Anal. Chim. Acta, 1992, 256: 29-32.
Recent Projects:
- Investigation of patients with pleural effusion using chemiluminescent method. Grant – Medical University Pleven
- Peripheral phagocyte activity in acute ischemic stroke. Relationships between activity, cholesterol level, C-reactive protein level and blood redox balance. Grant – Medical University Pleven
- Estimation of pleural effusion type and etiology by leukocyte functional state measured by chemiluminescent method. Grant – Medical University Sofia.
- Form information communications between general practitioner and diagnostic & consultative units on the base of contemporary information technology .Grant – Open society.
- Bulgarian society of biorheology
- Bulgarian society of biomedical physics and engineering
- Union of the physicists in Bulgaria